Chef's Secrets For Rookie Cooks

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Want to start making more of an impression while in the kitchen but don‘t know where to start? Then read on - I’ve been searching the web for awesome kitchen tips from foodie websites from all corners of the globe, and want to share some simple secrets that anyone can use to improve their cooking skills. Let’s get started with some of the basics, and ensure that the next meal you cook for guests impresses rather than disappoints. 


Just like any other instruction manual you read, it’s important to take your time and learn everything you need to know about cooking a meal. Following instructions is actually a lot harder than you think when you are cooking, and it only takes a few unusual ingredients for you to make a serious mess of your dish. Read through recipes correctly, take in the information, and ensure that you have everything in your pantry before getting started. 


A lot of people are afraid of using salt while cooking - but a dash here and there will improve your dish’s flavor significantly without clogging your arteries. I’m not talking about a whole bunch of sodium, here - just a slight pinch. The idea is to raise the flavors, not make your meal taste salty. Pepper is a vital ingredient, too - again just a dash to add a tiny amount of heat and spice.


Never underestimate the importance of a high-quality, super sharp knife. Not only will you chop and cut quicker, but a good knife is safer than a poor-quality one as it will slice rather than slip. According to Cut it Fine, you don’t have to spend a fortune, either. You can grab an excellent knife for less than $10 - just make sure you buy a sharpener to go with it. 

Tasting, tasting, tasting

One of the biggest rookie mistakes you can make is failing to taste your food as you cook it. The result can be catastrophic, particularly if you are trying to impress guests. Never trust a recipe as is - it’s doubtful whether your ingredients are precisely the same as the ones the author used in the first place. The stock could be saltier, tomatoes could be sweeter - you just need to taste it to ensure perfection. It can be difficult for new cooks to start getting into this habit, but you have to start as soon as possible. Obtaining a sense of flavors and combinations will help you help you adjust your seasoning on the fly and never ruin your hard work. 

Keep it simple

Don’t overstretch yourself when you are just starting out in the kitchen. A tasty meal is just that, even when it is simple. However, the fanciest meals can often go wrong at any stage. Getting the basics right will be the foundation for everything that is to come, so just focus on a few simple dishes and perfect them, rather than trying to match a Michelin star chef’s output. Besides, you can experiment a lot more with the basics, and it’s far easier to develop a signature twist when working with simple recipes. 

Any other tips for rookie cooks? Why not offer your advice by leaving a comment below?

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